Saturday, January 05, 2008

Hi guys,

its Zacc here. You know, the past two years with you guys have been eventful to say the least. But all these make us who we are today. Teik wei gaying with the guys, sunthar and keneth cracking horny jokes. I thought i wouldnt miss you guys but I'm wrong. I actually have a form of attachment deep inside with you guys. Theres this connection. Maybe its because of my new school. The people here are.... different... to say the least. Just to illustrate my point, there are like 5guys in my class who play with their rubiks cube everyday. And these speedcubers can solve the cubes in 30secs. So you can imagine. I have around 10 foreigners in my class of 26 but you guys will be glad to know that I havnt been horny here.

In fact, I am temporarily, for now at least, the Mentor rep which is just like the class Chairperson. The system here is very different. And the school has a school spirit you can actually feel when the entire school cheers. We have our own cheers and all.

You know in this school the people are more drawn back, reserved. The facilities are good though, netball court at the top of the building, 700-seater auditorium, library thats huge with like 30 computers and even a metal detector? All kinds of advanced shit you can't find in 0ur school.

Even the way the school is run is different. Here the PSLs and SC (Peer support leaders and student council) pretty much run the school. The teachers just sit back and watch the show. Interesting set-up but you know deep inside i miss you guys.

I feel somewhat lonely in this school being all alone and ryan's not my classmate. So im pretty much alone in my class. 3 days in and i just had my investiture yesterday. Received my badge and all in the grand ceremony. Guys the hours here kill man. You guys are lucky in a way.

Don't worry though, Ill still come back to visit you guys soon.

So if you see some guy wearing white and green..... it should be me.