Friday, August 29, 2008

This comes on the brink of Senior Specialists' Course. I just wish to recount the happy (weird maybe?) times that the Part Cs (Current Sec3s) and I have been fortunate enough to experience.

In our former school campus, there used to be this empty space around the stairwell beside the art studio. In this space was set a plain wooden table. Just an ordinary wooden table. And yet it was an object of much mysticism then for us as Recruits. We would look on in awe as our Sergeants sat on the table and in our minds it was an object that epitomised power itself. So every now and then, Captain Quek, being his usual self would come down and "rebuke" them. Such "scoldings" often culminated in us turning 180 degrees and facing the void that was the staircase and our seniors doing pushups. Of course, as they say in the army, shit only flows downwards. So naturally our time to be punished did not lay far ahead. I distinctly remember being told that the Sergeants sitting on/around the table liked being greeted.

During our time, our class ended at 12.35 on Fridays and so we would have roughly 2 hours of free time before CCA started. We often spent this time roaming around or polishing our boots in the classrooms. At roughly 2.20 every week we would find ourselves rushing down the stairs to this "staging area" of sorts. While waiting for the arrival of the officer(s) we would often be entertained by our CSM, SSG Nurudin or our APS, the then 3SG Joel. So that very cranny lends itself to many of our fond memories.

There was a certain occasion where we were supposed to go to Pasir Laba Camp for IMT practice (Individual Marksmanship Trainer). Captain Quek asked "Who brought camera handphones?" With mixed trepidation, Teik Wei, Louisse and 3 more including myself whom I cannot remember stepped out. We were ordered into the "pumping" position and we found ourselves doing pushups. This was not necessarily a bad event in fact, we did learn from it. Not all punishment is unfair and bad. Although I doubt that very nook stands anymore, it still holds memories for us, for all of us. A day in the life of a recruit.

2SG (NCC) Zacchaeus Lim

Saturday, August 09, 2008

hey people :D
sorry for not updating okay. aha. no time you know.

i should say, happy national day :D
no august babies for our class right! uh.
no classouting ):

but, class chalet end of year okay?
must make it ah. ispl cum chalet okay a not? LOL

HAHA. okay i dont know . up to you all to decide okay :D
