Monday, March 26, 2007

homework for today x(
science process skills chapter 4 section a and b.
math worksheet?
and chinese ying yong wen for express chinese peeps.
any hcl hw?
so anybody wanna join the art competition on wed?
we need ppl to join uh
and remember eng oral is tmr


Saturday, March 24, 2007

haw haw!i damn smart la!i got the 200th post!!!weeeeeeee! Oh ya,ca1 result get back right.some good good la,some bad bad la.but nevermind la.still must work harder la.correct?ya la!alamak.i also score very bad la..napfa also coming.remember to jog more ah:D train your super stamina to ultra stamina den can run like FLASH!woots 'flash'.yea...flash... the superhero la.ok la.that's all..

Thursday, March 22, 2007

hmm homework fot today again=.=
science theory wb pg 30-36
and those hcl ppl who have not finish ur zuo ye pls finish it up.
i think thats all for homework today.
i am getting sick of hw


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

homework for today?
science theory wb pg 29
and math problem solving ws.
thats all i think.LOL
now i try to update the hw everyday bahh.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

yeah yeah?
shicheng told me he would update today in the end he zoomed to dunno where
homework would be math and science theory wb
i forgot the pages alr.
ahaha.anyone interested to post homework on blog?


Friday, March 09, 2007

grats to 2E1 for winning a consolation prize for the toilet design competition!
even though its consolation,
well done to all who have helped and those who supported the class XD
and btw, March holidays are here!for 1 week=.=
but tats gd,we get to meet after 1 week only
not like those kind of 1 month holiday right?
homework for the holidays
-geo wb pg 57-60
-sceince theory ex 9.4 and 9.5
-chinese wb finish ex 9,10,12
-math worksheet
-express chi ppl finish reading tat yellow story

kind of lots of hw for this yr march holiday
last yr we didnt even have any single hw
and this yr are all packed with camps.=.=
anyway josh,jeremy,huiwen,cheanpin are going for campus superstar!
josh and jeremy will be on nxt friday
huiwen and cheanpin would be on nxt sat.
if u all wan support them,
kindly ask yijun they all for the time they will be meeting first
wish them gd luck! ahaha XD

limin x)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

claudio here updating the blog...

  1. English Summary for Tortoise Passage
  2. Chinese WB according to Mrs Chin ( Li Min)
  3. Geog WB pg 57 - 60 I THINK
  4. Science PWB 9.4 - 9.5

have fun finishing the above homeworks... 1st 2 due tmr last 2 due after the holidays... last of all... PEEPS! DONT DO ANYTHING BAD DURING THE BREAK!

k bye!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

homework today would be math only
boys remember ur catwalk tmr
and math test on factorisation tmr.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

HIEE guys
homework due tmr would be your chinese mask and your anti-drugs essay
i heard tat the designatiom of TOILET would be due TMR
lol.anyway those ppl who have not hand up ur art pls do so by tmr
volunteers of designation of TOILETS pls do sth.ahaha
cause they gonna go for the campus superstar auditions yeah?

shall we hire some ppl to blog for homework everyday cos i notice ppl are so free ah.

this is claudio here...

today not much homework so i rephrase <--- to... what you need to pass up tmr...

  • 1. Anti-Drug Essay
  • 2.CME Project... idk whether Mrs Loh accept late entries
  • 3. Chinese Cultural thing
  • 4. For Normal Chinese students... wait for the inactive Li Min to update ^^ cuz i got absolutely no idea what to write for this slot ^^

Friday, March 02, 2007

heyy guys!
common tests are officially OVER!
but there's homework.
maybe for some ppl only
science theory wb 9.3
and eng essay on drugs but due on wed

OHH! guys get ready for ur catwalks on tuesday!
and dun get disheartened by ur eng results today yeah?
