Monday, July 31, 2006

class forum created.check the links section for the link.anyway math test tmr.chapter 10 and 11.
Homework for 31 July.
- Maths TB, ex 12e. #5, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14. take note that this is exercise number 17.

thats all for today. (i think)

homework for today 31/7

-math tb ex 12e qn 5,9,10,11,13,14
-science theory wb ex 8.1 qn 5,6

to the whoever who keep saying abt wat derrick likes me.bullshit lah...not vulgar ok?u nothing to do ah...say this kind of thing.dun dare admit who u are right...i dun care...u write lah...anyway not true at all.

choral reading session tmr.
SPA during science lesson.


Sunday, July 30, 2006

anyway just a reminder
-bring compo file tmr
-hand in ur book review tmr.
-having swimming lessons tmr and pls bring ur pyjamas for swimming.


Friday, July 28, 2006

announcement here...
no homework today...yeah
anyway today we took the class photo...
thank god tat whole class was here today.

anyway wang yang bdae tmr,so just wish him a happy bdae...
reminders for monday,
-bring compo file
-having chemistry frm nxt week onwards
sad,i like physics more...
yup so thats all...rmb to copy 3 copies of math exercises if u did not hand in today.


Thursday, July 27, 2006

The enthu 1s!
yup so homework for today 27/7
-english compo corrections
-chinese assestment book ex 1(cl pupils only)
so thats all for homework yeah?
anyway if there's hmt hw pls remind me.
so for reminders now...
-photo-taking tmr.
pls wear ur school uniform and remember to bring ur tie.
-bring compo file on monday

Its Daniel and Sachin's bdae tmr.Am i right?
so 1e1s,rmb to sing bdae song for them...
we have not done this for a long time yeah...
yup so thats all...any reminders just post in the tagboard.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

homework for today 26/6

-math tb ex 12c qn 11,13,14,15
ex 12d qn 11,12,13.(ex no 16)

*he students rmb to bring container and ur apron tmr.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Homework for 25 July:
- Maths tb page 247, #11, 12, 14, 15. Pg 248, # 1, 2, 4, 5.
- arrange your history files as ms leong will be checking it soon.

okay. about the september holiday outing, li min and i had already asked mrs chiew about it. she asked if we can barbecue in school or not... and will your parents allow you to come out at night? give your opinions in the tagboard. thank you!

Yours sincerely,
Li Ying :)

Monday, July 24, 2006

homework for today 24/7

-math tb qns
.ex no 14-ex 11f qn 5,6
-ex 11g qn 5,6,7,8,9

-hcl pupils do chang wen suo duan,du hou gan and ying yong wen.

*rmb to bring history tb and wb tmr.


Sunday, July 23, 2006

new blogskin done by liying. woot!:) 101 post. :)

Friday, July 21, 2006

oh,today will be a quite special post.The 100th post of the blog.haha...just to inform u that,we have no homework today.Unless u have not finish your math homework for wednesday,then thats your homework.

oh yah,we have a new slogan for the class.The Enthu Ones,or rather The Enthu 1s.Its the same actually.We decided on it because ''Enthu" actually stands for E and then its short form will be the E ones.So its decided,The Enthu Ones.

We are actually planning for an outing during the september holidays.It will be either kbox,a movie or u wanna go escape theme park.Thats wat we have have chosen.We will maybe bring this matter during class and u will cast ur votes next week.If can,tag on the tagboard on wat u want.

We are also planning for chalet tis october or november holidays.Venue is still not confirmed yet.Prob changi chalet.So if u all wan chalet,work hard for the examinations.

long post huh...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

homework for today 20/7

-science worksheet
-chinese wb ex 19(cl pupils only)

*history presentation tmr.
*punishments to be handed in by tmr
*math hw to be handed in by tmr


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

homework for today

-math tb qns
ex 11i qn 2,3,4
-science worksheet
-history project

*He pupils-bring a container tmr.
*english draft to be handed in by tmr.

any reminders can post in the tagboard.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

homework for today 18/7

-math tb ex 11e qn 6 ,ex 11f,qn 7
read pg 240-242
-hmt-do chang wen suo duan


Monday, July 17, 2006

so homework for today 17/7

-math tb qns
.ex 11a qn 4
.ex 11b qn 4,5,10
-eng composition draft.

so swimming today was fun right?The other 15 of us went laser quest to play after the swimming.Yuen kai got the highest score right? time whoever wanna go can come with us.


Friday, July 14, 2006

so here's the homework for today

-math tb qns
::ex no 09 = ex 10d qn11,12,13
::ex n0 10 = review qn 10 qn7,12,13,14,16.prob solving qn 1b, 3 ,4

-2 punishments for history
::2oo words paragraph on Indus valley civilisation
::300 words on India's caste system(chapter 5)

erm 1e1s,can u all make an effort to bring the books needed for each day?u see,in shortly a week we already got 2 punishments.Would u want more punishments to happen?So PLEASE bring your books needed for each day.

*no need to bring history tb for next week as we are doing theme based learning.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

homework for today 13/7

-eng wb pg 90,92
-hcl wb ex 19&20(hcl pupils only)

*history test tmr(chapter 1,2,3)
*reading test tmr(bring last week IN newspaper)
*history pamphlet due tmr.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

homework for today 12/7

-math ex 10c qn 1o,ex 10d qn 6&7.

*To HE pupils,bring a container tmr.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

basically there's homework today.(refer to tagboard to know wat i'm saying)

homework for today 11/7

-cl wb ex 2(cl pupils only)
-copy history tb pg 46 on foolscap paper
-literature mask(planning)

*chemistry test tmr.Go back to class after assembly.Bring your lanterns tmr.(cl and hmt pupils)


Monday, July 10, 2006

homework for today 10/7

-math tb qns(do together in 1 foolscap)
.ex 10a qn 9
.ex 10c qn 5,13
.ex 10d qn 3
-chinese composition(cl pupils only)

*chinese spelling tmr(for cl pupils only)

Tests on this week:
-math test(chapter 9) tmr 11 july
-chemistry test(on mixtures) 12 july
-history test(chapter 1,2,3) 14 july


Friday, July 07, 2006

homework for today 7/7

-math tb qns
ex 10a(1c,2d,7,8)pg 204-205
ex 10c(1c,1d.1f)pg210-211
-history qns

*Swimming lesson on Monday except ncc land boys who would be excused.So rmb to bring the things needed.


Thursday, July 06, 2006

homwork for today 6/7

-sbs chpt 7 pg 72-75
-eng tb comprehension qns
-newspaper article(cl pupils)-to be handed in on monday


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

homework for today 5/7

-science process skills chpt 7(do at least the mcq questions)
-math tb qns
.ex no 4-pg 197 qn 3,4,,6,7,8,9(review qns 9)-to be handed in on friday
.ex no 5-pg 197 qn 1,2,4,6,7(problem solving)-to be handed in on monday

*solar gadget to be handed in tomorrow.Grp oral presentation will start on monday.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

homework for today 4/7

-science theory wb ex 7.2
-math tb
(ex 9c qn 8a,c,9d,f,h)-ex no 2
(ex 9d qn 2d,3c,7,8,9,10)-ex no 3


Monday, July 03, 2006

erm,i noe its a bit late to post this.

No swimming lessons for our class this week.So just take note of that.The make up swimming lesson will be on term 4 week 1.
