Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Homework for today 28 mar

Math worksheet(2nd page)do in math exercise book
Geogaraphy worksheets

*Sorry for posting the homework so late.I got choir today and it ends at 6 pm.So for tuesday and thursday,i might post the homework later.

Please refresh the page to hear the new music. The tagboard page must also be refreshed.

- Keneth

Monday, February 27, 2006

Homework for today 27/2

Art(hand in on monday)


Science project to be handed in tomorrow.


Friday, February 24, 2006

Homework for today 24/2

Math worksheet(do the first page only)

*do in mathematics exercise book


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Homework for today 23/2

Geography pg 55-60,78,81,82(hand in on monday)


Bring IN newspaper tmr.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


-No homework today!!!


Bring geography textbook 1c

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Homework for today 21/2

Chinese wb pg 30-35(to be handed in on Monday 27/2)

*For pupils studying chinese only

Timetable for Common tests

-Math :8.50-9.50am

23/1-Mother Tongue:7.40-8.40am
-Science :8.50-9.50am

*Remember to revise!!!


Monday, February 20, 2006

Sorry for all the music problem.. Found out the problem... U refresh and try again... Because the host i was using was using quicktime player... And some of u dun hav... So cannot play... Now i change host which uses windows media player.. Sorry!

- Keneth
Homework for today 20/2

3 Science worksheets(2 from Mr Chun and 1 from Ms Chua) must be handed in tomorrow.

1 Math worksheet (also to be handed in tomorrow)

Test on Tuesday 21/2

Geography (Textbook 1B Chapter 6-12)


Sunday, February 19, 2006

Music up and going... May take a while to load... That is your internet speed...

- Technical Staff , Keneth
Homework due on Monday 20/2

Art and craft
Geography workbook pg 47 to 53
Science worksheet that Mr Chun gave us (do properly cause it will be graded)

And reminder......Monday 20/2

Math remedial at 1.05pm

*Remember to have heavy breakfast during recess.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Hey Remember to post on the taggie!


[ArSoNiStZ] [-Tidus-] [1e1-blog admin] Daniel ArSoNiStZ Currently Recruiting!
kay guys. this is a urgent post. There will be a Sec 1 inter-class handball tournament. i dont know what the heck this is. but. it sounds important. okay hear this.

Date: Wed 1 March 2006 Time: 3.00 - 5.15 pm [ estimated ]
Venue: Basketball Court

- Opportunities for class bonding
- An afternoon to relax after the Common Tests
- To promote active lifestyle among students and teachers

Rules of Games:
- 7 players per team (including goalkeeper), minimum 3 females (including female teacher) at any time.
- Aim: score as many goals as possible.
- Nobody is allowed in the semi-circle except the defending team's golkeeper. If the defending team commits the offence, a penalty is awarded. If the attacking team commits the offence, the referee awards a change of possession.
- Dribbling or boucing the ball is allowed, as in basketball. However, once you have caught the ball after a dribble, you are not allowed to dribble again.
- No running with the ball while holding on to the ball.
- A player cannot hold on to the ball for more that 3 seconds. A change of possession will be awarded.
- No contact.
- Students should be in their sch Pe attire. T-shirts should be neatly tucked in.
- 8 mins per game. (4mins each half)
- Substitutions allowed at half-time.
- If form teacher plays in a match, the team is give one bonus goal for that paricular match. Maximum of one bonus goal for each class in a match, regardless of the number of form teachers and the length of time they play. so, please persuade our Formteacher to play!

- Elimation format where winner proceeds to nxt round and loser is eliminated.
- Organisers will draw lots to decide the match-up before the competition.

- Although we will have seven members per team playing at any one time, ten individual prizes are prepared for each class.
- Even if your class is eliminated before the final, please ensure that there are ten students from your class to receive prizes at the prize presentation held at the end of the event.


okay. this is the end of the post. so you guys know what to do? we will ask mrs chiew to join for us, since she is netball teacher in charge ;D okay okay . contact me at owhuiwen@hotmail.com if you want to play ;D


hello . ;D